IHSDTA Divisions are based upon school enrollment. Coaches should check here https://www.ihsaa.org/Schools/Enrollments-Classifications prior to completing their team’s membership application.
Varsity Division AAA – Division AAA is open to any Indiana high school team in good standings that has a total school enrollment of 1701 students or higher.
Varsity Division AA – Division AA is open to any Indiana high school team in good standings that has a total enrollment of 901 – 1700 students.
Varsity Division A – Division A is open to any Indiana high school team in good standings that has a total enrollment of 900 students or below.
Scholastic Division – This division is intended for High School TEAMS with LESS than 8 members or a novice beginning team. This division is available for new teams and small teams with the intention to encourage growth within the program.
Junior Varsity — JV Division shall consist of any high school team designating itself as such. Teams with more than one (1) year IHSDTA competition experience within a two (2) year period must declare themselves as Varsity.
Junior High A – Junior High Division A is open to any Indiana junior high school team in good standings whose high school enrollment is 0-1500 students.
Junior High AA – Junior High Division AA is open to any Indiana junior high school team in good standings whose high school enrollment is 1501 and above.
*Next Division alignment is scheduled for spring 2020.