IHSDTA as a non profit organization that has a mission to elevate the level of opportunity for students in dance, education, and performance, we know it is important to take a step towards philanthropic participation. We will be making this move by implementing our own “Champions Together” in dance.
We would like to challenge each high school or middle school that is member of IHSDTA to learn a specific dance that will be sent to you by the IHSDTA or available by video the website. In turn you and your team will teach this to any Special Needs students in your high school that wish to participate. Your combined team members unified as one team will be able to showcase this dance at local games, competitions, events, and lastly the IHSDTA State Finals.
This partnership promises to be very rewarding to all involved, this will keep the IHSDTA’s focus on our mission statement while providing a platform for our dancers to give back to their community.
How It Works
After The Fall Conference: We will have a video either emailed or attached to a link on the website for your team to learn and teach to all dancers wishing to participate whether teammates or champion team members. The music will be made available separately through these avenues also. Please be sure to make all necessary contacts and receive approval from your administration.